New England on the Fly Partners with The Compleat Angler


If you’re reading this blog, you love to fly fish, or fish in general.

By default, this means you’re a gearhead. You buy lots of line, leaders, flies, plugs, shirts, and replace your polarized glasses every time your friend sits on them or they fall into the water.

You’re also from the Northeast, which means you like both the local shop and a good deal. This presents a challenge, as fishing gear is often expensive, and local fly shops need to pay rent. So you sometimes go to Cabelas.

How am I doing so far?

While I didn’t start this site to sell products — this site is about having fun with a sport, and a region, that we all love — I am fortunate to to have been picked up by the The Compleat Angler, a fishing store and outfitter in Darien, CT. Like many good saltwater fishing stories, this story starts with birds. Lots of birds. And then lots and lots of bass.

That day fishing with Todd Fedele —  a truly great guide — and my dad was one of the best days of saltwater fishing of my life. (Read the post here.) Since then, Todd has relaunched The Compleat Angler site and picked up New England on the Fly, and built out a section of their awesome new website for my content. This means more talking about New England fly fishing, with more people, more of the time.

It also means good deals for you. They have a great customer loyalty program: you will earn 10% credit on every purchase you make. And, if when checking out, you mention that I referred you, they will kick 10% of your purchases my way.

I know of no other New England fishing store that allows its customers to earn credit with every purchase. I suggest you check out their new site — it’s beautiful, and has a lot going on, including a whole community section. You can check out my blog on their site here.

It’s also got some serious talent. If you’re looking to book a trip, they’ve also got the best of New England’s guides: Jamie Boyle, Todd Fedele, Tom Rapone, and Bob Hines. They’ve also got two guides down in Florida. (Check out their guides here.)

What will this mean for New England on the Fly? The site is staying where it is, and you will still receive the same weekly newsletter. All that will change is that I hope to do more gear and product reviews, as well as start featuring some more cool content, like more video and photography from fly fishing across New England — the kinds of things you keep telling me you want more of!

Thanks for reading.


P.S. When and if you buy something from The Compleat Angler, be sure to select “Ben Carmichael” from the “Referred By” menu!