I’ve written before about how compelling I find the work of the Downeast Salmon Federation (DSF). Dwayne, Kyle and the others at DSF are pursuing truly inspiring work. To have a sustainable stock of wild Atlantic salmon returning to the US within my lifetime is a dream I’ve had since I was a kid — and it’s a dream I know many share.
See below for some recent photos shared by Kyle of DSF. Many were taken by Ben Severence, a talented videographer. Check out the photos — and check out the great work DSF is doing. DSF is Atlantic salmon’s great hope for the United States. Photos like this keep the hope alive.

East Machias River at Munson Rips

Kyle Winslow and Zach Sheller stocking Long Lake Stream – East Machias River 2

Kyle Winslow Stocking East Machias River

Kyle Winslow stocking on the East Machias River

Stocking East Machias River with Department of Marine Resources – Kyle Winslow and Colby Bruchs

Stocking the East Machias River

Egg planting Pleasant River

Salmon Eggs

Eggs going in the gravel
I live in Massachusetts. Am trying to learn Salmon Fishing recreational.
Anytips or any information on where to go
Conrad: Drop me a note and I’ll help you out. Also, we’re trying to organize a meetup this winter for people interested in getting into Atlantic salmon fishing. Stay tuned for more!