My 35 lbers from the Gaspe last summer — one of three fish over 30 lbs caught on the trip.
I just love Atlantic salmon fishing on the Gaspé Atlantic Salmon Fishing Summer 2015 peninsula. I’ve been doing it for over 25 years, and every year is a surprise. This past year was no different. I went with my good friend Jonas, son of the talented bamboo rod maker Marc Aroner. We fished the branches of Grand Cascapedia and the Bonaventure River. It was beautiful, it was relaxing, and it was exciting: we caught three fish over 30 lbs, two personal records, and a number of other salmon as well. Here’s the video from our trip. Some photos from the trip appeared in the fall issue of The Drake, and some will be in the next issue of the Atlantic Salmon Federation (ASF) Journal. Stay tuned!
A few thanks, including David Bishop for letting us use his canoe on the Bonnie, JP Tessier for the sushi rolls on the banks of the river which were a salve half way through a week of big pot of chili, and to Darlene & Tammy for being such wonderful hosts on the river. Thanks too for Filson, to Spinoza Rod Company and to Tuckerman & Co.
Outstanding video and narration. I really liked the different angles, fast/slow motion, use of movement and underwater filming. Well done and very interesting. Keep up the amazing site!
Thanks, Rob!