Eldredge Bros Fly Shop.
This is a great event — full details below!
15th Annual Fly Fishing Expo
March 31st, 2018, 9:00am till 4:00pm Rain or Shine!
Eldredge Bros. Fly Shop
Rio Leader and Tippet Deal
For anyone who purchases a Premium Rio Fly Line during our event you will receive your choice of either of the following:
Two pack of Powerflex Leaders
50 yard Powerflex Tippet Spool
Free Fly Line
With a purchase of over $300.00 (sale items not included) you will receive a free fly line of your choice. Spey lines not included. Limited to one line per person during the event.
Maine Artist David B. Tibbetts
David will be here displaying his beautiful watercolors. His work captures many of the historic fisheries from our wonderful state. David will have a free raffle for one of his prints named, “Saint Anne Salmon”. http://www.dbtwatercolors.com/ DBTWatercolors/Home.html
Saco Salmon Restoration Alliance
Come and meet some of the members from this alliance who have worked with tireless dedication to restore the Atlantic Salmon Runs to the Saco River.
Malden Anglers
The folks from Malden Anglers have had a clubhouse on a private trout pond in Saugus for 70 years. These guys do a lot for Project Healing Waters and kids. Malden Anglers will be raffling off a free one year membership for one person. $200.00 value. www.maldenanglers.com/
Dick Brown
Member of Malden Anglers and author of two bonefishing classics, Fly Fishing for Bonefish and Bonefish Fly Patterns will be tying flies at the Malden Anglers table.
Bamboo Rod Builder
Fred Kretchman of F. D. Kretchman Rod Co. will be here demonstrating some of the intricacies involved in crafting bamboo fly rods. This includes splitting cane, preparing nodes and strips, tapering strips, gluing strips together, straightening sections, and mounting guides and other hardware. He will bring both raw materials and rod sections in various stages of completion as well as some equipment including the Morgan Hand Mill. In addition to demonstrating the bamboo rod building process he will have completed rods on display and some vintage rods, some of which will be for sale. I am excited to announce that we now have a cane cabinet in our store which is dedicated to display new bamboo fly rods built by Fred. As of this moment we have several of Fred’s exquisitely crafted cane rods in stock. www.kretchmanflyrods. com/
Test Cast 100’S of Fly Rods!!
We’ll have a large casting area alongside a huge tent under which will be a diverse display of fly rods manned by reps or pros from Winston, Scott, Echo, Redington, Hatch, Fishpond, Simms, Rio, Nautilus, Regal and more. They will have fly rods set up and ready to compare and test cast at your leisure. Look below for more details on casting your way into a raffle.
Professional Fly Tying Demo
Joe Calcavecchia of Saltwater Custom Flies and Scott Fisher. Joe is an extraordinary production fly tier who ties thousands of flies each year. His patterns are innovative, time tested and a staple in many fly fishers fly boxes. Scott is one of those rare people who can find intricate detail in things many people would consider mundane. He has applied that ability to his inspection of all the fish foods he can get his hands on and adds those intricacies to make flies to imitate all types of fish food. He is very innovative in his fly designs and in his use of common materials. Both Joe and Scott’s attention to detail is evident in their flies and a testament to their skills. Joe and Scott will be tying in our shop during the entire day and will be willing to help you with any fly tying questions that you may have. Every fly that Joe and Scott tie during the Expo will be put into two Eldredge Bros. fly boxes and given away as a door prize.
Cast to Win Prizes
From Scott, Redington, Winston and Echo.
If you test cast any fly rod, the representative from that rod company will give you a ticket to put in that company’s bucket. At the end of the day we will be drawing a winner from each company’s bucket for the following items.
SCOTT: Scott Flex Fly Rod (your choice of length and line weight) – $475.00value
REDINGTON: Hydrogen Rod (your choice of length and line weight) $349.99 value
WINSTON: Kairos Fly Rod (your choice of length and line weight) – $475.00 value
ECHO: Echo Ion XL Fly Rod (your choice of line weight) – $169.99 value
FISHPOND: Try on any Fishpond pack or vest and enter a raffle to win a Lodgepole Fishing Satchel, Gunnison Guide Pack and Fishpond Trucker Hat $253.00 value
HATCH: Enter a raffle to win Hatch Nomad Pliers with Black Leather Sheath $300.00 value
REGAL VISES: Enter a raffle to win a Daylight D40 LED Smart Lamp $120.00 value
Door Prizes
Dyna King Kingfisher Vise (your choice of pedestal or c-clamp) – $175.00 value
1 of 2 $50.00 gift certificates for Eldredge Bros. Fly Shop
All of the flies tied by Joe Calcavecchia during the Expo in an Eldredge Bros Fly Box
All of flies tied by Scott Fisher during the Expo in an Eldredge Bros Fly Box
A Four Hour Guided Fishing Trip w / Capt. Mark Drummond – $350.00 value
Tickets: $5.00 each or $20.00 for 5 tickets
Tickets: $5.00 each or $20.00 for 5 tickets
Maine Sporting Camps
We will have Maine Sporting Camps here. These camps offer some of the best fishing opportunities that can be found in Maine. Trout live in beautiful places and that’s where these camps are located. Each camp is offering a free raffle for a weekend at their beautiful Camps.
Bradford Camps: Free Lodging for Two People Two Days, Two Nights, with Meals $800.00 value http://www.bradfordcamps.com/
Red River Camps: Free Lodging for Two People Two Days, Two Nights, with Meals $610.00 value http://www.redrivercamps.com/
Grants Kennebago Camps: Free Lodging for Two People Two Days, Two Nights, with Meals $780.00 value http://www.grantscamps.com/
Tim Pond Camps: – Free Lodging for One Person, Two Nights, Two Days, with Meals $554.30 value. http://www.timpond.com/
Free Antique Tackle Appraisals
Sante Giuliani, Danny LeRoux, Jeff Knapp and vintage tackle author, Catskill Fly Fishing Museum Lifetime Achievement award A. J. Campbell will be here doing free Antique Tackle Appraisals. Sante, Jeff and A. J.are some of the country’s leading authorities on antique bamboo fly rods and Danny is an authority on old plugs, lures, reels, tackle boxes and anything that ever went into them. If you’ve got an old cane rod or just anything fishing related that’s old, bring it by. You might be sitting on a gold mine or you may have something with a very interesting history.
Flies For Kids Raffle
The day of the our Expo will be the last chance to buy a raffle ticket to win Cliff Bugger Beast fly boxes stuffed full of flies tied for many species of fish and donated by generous tiers from all over the USA. The proceeds raised in this raffle will go towards purchasing fly tying kits from Wapsi to hand out to kids who show an interest in learning to tie flies. Tickets are $10.00 per chance and the lucky winner takes all! At the time of this mailing the value of these flies is close to $3000.00.
Free Food
Great Bay Trout Unlimited will be the chefs on hand. They will have the grills fired up and be serving free hot dogs, hamburgers, cheeseburgers, veggie burgers, soda, and coffee all day long to anyone with an appetite. There will be free breakfast sandwiches & doughnuts for those who get here early. All food is provided by Eldredge Bros. Fly Shop.
Great Bay Trout Unlimited will be the chefs on hand. They will have the grills fired up and be serving free hot dogs, hamburgers, cheeseburgers, veggie burgers, soda, and coffee all day long to anyone with an appetite. There will be free breakfast sandwiches & doughnuts for those who get here early. All food is provided by Eldredge Bros. Fly Shop.
This is a “RAIN OR SHINE OR SNOW OR HAIL OR WICKED NASTY NOREASTER” event. As we’ve seen from previous events there is no weather that can stop a hardy New Englander from following their passion and we will not let it stop us from holding this event. Don’t forget to bring your foul weather gear so you can still cast rods comfortably if it’s sleeting sideways. March 31st, 2018 from 9:00am till 4:00pm here at the Fly Shop. Address is below or you can e-mail or call the shop for directions.