In looking forward to the 73rd Martha’s Vineyard Striped Bass and Bluefish Derby which starts this Sunday, I dug up some old photos of a derby trip. I can’t wait to get back out there! Only wish they had more of a catch and release presence… Still! The photo release contest is a start!
Hope to see many of you out there!

Ben Moody tying albie flies before sunrise. Chasing Martha’s Vineyard False Albacore During the MV Derby

Eyes are the windows to an abie fisherman’s soul. Chasing Martha’s Vineyard False Albacore During the MV Derby

An sunrise false albacore. Chasing Martha’s Vineyard False Albacore During the MV Derby

The current standings of the famed derby. Chasing Martha’s Vineyard False Albacore During the MV Derby

Checking in at Derby HQ. Chasing Martha’s Vineyard False Albacore During the MV Derby

Wilson Kerr proudly sporting his derby pin. Chasing Martha’s Vineyard False Albacore During the MV Derby

Renowned vineyard guide and relapsing attorney Tom Rapone, admiring his morning’s work. Chasing Martha’s Vineyard False Albacore During the MV Derby

Bob Green doing the cast dance on a rocking boat to busting albacore. Chasing Martha’s Vineyard False Albacore During the MV Derby

Ben Carmichael with his first Martha’s vineyard false albacore. Chasing Martha’s Vineyard False Albacore During the MV Derby

Tough love: giving the albie the huck. Chasing Martha’s Vineyard False Albacore During the MV Derby

Work it till you earn it. Fixing a bum motor. Not pictured: the albies busting ust out of casting range. Chasing Martha’s Vineyard False Albacore During the MV Derby

Wilson Kerr and Lunabelle on point, spotting fish. Chasing Martha’s Vineyard False Albacore During the MV Derby

Making the run to the Cape, chasing birds on the horizon. Chasing Martha’s Vineyard False Albacore During the MV Derby

A sunset road soda, the fisherman’s sports recovery beverage. Chasing Martha’s Vineyard False Albacore During the MV Derby

Wilson Kerr and Lunabelle casting into the sunset after busting albies. Chasing Martha’s Vineyard False Albacore During the MV Derby