“Remember the Maine” goes the saying, but soon it may be “Remember Maine’s salmon rivers” with the breakthrough work of the Peter Gray Parr Project (PGPP).
Read More >>“Remember the Maine” goes the saying, but soon it may be “Remember Maine’s salmon rivers” with the breakthrough work of the Peter Gray Parr Project (PGPP).
Read More >>I’ve written before about how compelling I find the work of the Downeast Salmon Federation (DSF) — truly inspiring work. To have a sustainable stock of wild Atlantic salmon returning to the US within my lifetime is a dream I’ve had since I was a kid — and it’s a dream I know many share.
Read More >>Recently, Dwayne and Kyle at DSF shared some photos with me from their recent stocking efforts. In looking at them, I wish I had been there with them.
Read More >>Before summarizing the new catch limits set by the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission (AMFSC), let me start with a simple observation: This was the worst year of striped bass fishing in New England I have ever experienced.
Read More >>If you care about striped bass, make your voice heard by going to one of these hearings scheduled across New England — or submit your written comments. Complete info can be found here.
Read More >>Atlantic salmon in Maine have been off-limits to anglers for years. Now, two efforts — the Downeast Salmon Federation and the Downeast Fisheries Partnership — are pursuing two innovative approaches that offer hope for salmon fishermen in Maine,
Read More >>Stripers Forever, the conservation group seeking game fish status for wild striped bass on the Atlantic Coast, is seeking input into their 2013 stripers survey. Please take a moment to complete the survey by clicking here.
Read More >>In 2013 I was fortunate to have some great days on the water — including one of my best ever. But all of this was marred by persistent bad news about the continued decline of striped bass (more on that later). What follows is a short summary of some key trends, trips, and events from 2013.
Read More >>It feels like months ago that I washed down my salt water fly rod for the last time. The leaves fell, the gras was white with the first frost, and I put away my equipment, thinking I wouldn’t see it until the spring. Now, a video has me thinking I was wrong.
Read More >>Is a rainbow trout really a trout? What do you call the offspring of a cutthroat and a rainbow? And when do you reinvent a system accepted the world-over, but also happens to be rife with inaccuracies?