It was the perfect night: warm, but not too warm, the setting sun turning the sky progressive shades of purple, pink, and dark, inky blue. The striped bass were out in Boston, and my friends were along the ride.
Read More >>It was the perfect night: warm, but not too warm, the setting sun turning the sky progressive shades of purple, pink, and dark, inky blue. The striped bass were out in Boston, and my friends were along the ride.
Read More >>We spend all winter with building anticipation for our favorite species to get back within fly range — now that the days are numbered until their return, what are you doing to prepare?
Read More >>This year, the angling community will have millions and millions of chances to care for this species. This guest post shares some tips on how to best handle and preserve this species.
Read More >>In motoring out to the famous Montauk point, we found the title scene to Peter Kaminsky’s now famous book, “The Moon Pulled Up an Acre of Bass.” Though the bass were small, the sight was incredible — and sustained.
Read More >>This year, I needed to be outside more than ever because I spent more time than ever inside. Fishing was more than a hobby, it was a salve — and, when no vaccine was available, my only treatment.
Read More >>For my annual trip tarpon fishing in Boca Grande, Florida this year, I brought a new reel — the Abel SDS 11/12 wt. Here are my thoughts on the reel.
Read More >>We’ve been going to Boca Grande, Florida ever since our uncle bought a house down there. As the so-called “Tarpon Fishing Capital of the World,” this was both excellent and vexing news: I was long on places to crash, and short on excuses.
Read More >>I’m going tarpon fishing in Boca Grande in a few weeks and, living a few hundred miles away, I’ve been knocking the virtual rust off by watching YouTube videos.
Read More >>We’re excited to announce a new instructional video series called — drumroll please! — “Fish School”.