By late morning the wind had died, the skies cleared, and we were into lots of fish. Two over 40″, and a few close to it.
Read More >>By late morning the wind had died, the skies cleared, and we were into lots of fish. Two over 40″, and a few close to it.
Read More >>After the rain cleared early, the sand eels and the bass decided to show. Here are some photos and a video about the day.
Read More >>For a trip that didn’t start as a fishing trip, and for the wrong time of year, it turned into a truly great week, with fish from 22 lbs and down. See the full article for lots of photos and the full story on fly fishing in India and Nepal for mahseer.
Read More >>When I first moved to Boston a few years ago, this was Dave Skok: a legend. Over fly tying, his fishing and his fly tying skills were often discussed, in the most reverent terms.
Read More >>Before the bamboo rod shop was gone, I wanted to capture it, and its history. Over Thanksgiving, I shot a bunch of video of my dad talking about the shop, and have spent the past few months editing that video down to what you can see in this post.
Read More >>As New England is hunkering down for a potentially historic snowfall, Andy Bonzagni at Concord Outfitters shared the below photos with me from his recent trip to New Zealand. Nothing like a few hogs to get you through the storm.
Read More >>It was great to see everyone at the Marlborough Fly Fishing Show this weekend. I ran into some old friends, made some new ones, and met a bunch of fans of the site. This year, the show felt a bit different — namely, I think, because there were a number of new booths, and new faces.
Read More >>How best to pack a camera for a fishing trip? What should you bring? I’d like to share some of my thoughts on these and related questions, as both an avid fisherman and a photographer.
Read More >>I don’t know if we were hearty or foolish but, faced with some sun and a few days off from work, my friend Ben Brunt and I drove out to the Deerfield River in Western, MA, to see if we could find any willing, if not cold, trout. The weather? Sunny, 27, windy.
Read More >>I’ve been fortunate to know many of these craftsmen over my life, but I’ve come to know one recently: Marc Aroner, the man behind the bamboo rods of Spinoza Rod Company. Here are some videos of him working in his shop.