Earlier this year, I went trout fishing on the Deerfield River in Western Mass. My companion for the day was my good friend Rob Robillard, the Boston Globe handyman columnist.
Read More >>Earlier this year, I went trout fishing on the Deerfield River in Western Mass. My companion for the day was my good friend Rob Robillard, the Boston Globe handyman columnist.
Read More >>The Cheeky schoolie tourney is an annual must do for me and my partner. It’s always great to see friends, and to make new ones. So long as there are schoolies, and so long as the tournament keeps its sense of humor, we’ll be back.
Read More >>On one of my trips this summer, my friend Jared and I ran into huge bait balls — truly, some of the largest I’ve ever seen. Here’s some video from the day, over which we caught stripers, Albies, and blues. It was an awesome day!
Read More >>Another year, another Marlborough show. It’s always a fun time, seeing fishing faces and friends you only see once and a while through the winter months.
Read More >>We had a great time last night at the 2nd Annual Boston Holiday Meetup. It was great to catch up with so many people!
Read More >>The other day I went fishing with my friend Jared off the coast of Massachusetts and Rhode Island. We were after albies. What we found was an incredible pile of bait. I posted a video about that here. Here’s some photos from the day — and what day it was.
Read More >>This dubbing needle condenses Marc’s incredible craftsmanship into one small, beautiful package. They are, without question, the most beautiful dubbing needles I have ever seen. The metal work is remarkable. It has the precision of a jewel maker, and the heart of a bamboo purist.
Read More >>By late morning the wind had died, the skies cleared, and we were into lots of fish. Two over 40″, and a few close to it.
Read More >>After the rain cleared early, the sand eels and the bass decided to show. Here are some photos and a video about the day.
Read More >>How do you re-energize a trusted brand? How do you regain marketshare in a market that’s not only crowded, but also highly discerning? These are the very questions American rod manufacturer Thomas and Thomas is facing.