The Orvis Helios 2, a rod that has won so many awards that it hardly needs an introduction. But it’s worth it — trust me.
Read More >>The Orvis Helios 2, a rod that has won so many awards that it hardly needs an introduction. But it’s worth it — trust me.
Read More >>This dubbing needle condenses Marc’s incredible craftsmanship into one small, beautiful package. They are, without question, the most beautiful dubbing needles I have ever seen. The metal work is remarkable. It has the precision of a jewel maker, and the heart of a bamboo purist.
Read More >>Before the bamboo rod shop was gone, I wanted to capture it, and its history. Over Thanksgiving, I shot a bunch of video of my dad talking about the shop, and have spent the past few months editing that video down to what you can see in this post.
Read More >>Over Thanksgiving, I shot video of my dad explaining his relationship with Everett Garrison, who owned most of the workshop equipment before him, his love of working with bamboo, and the importance of it being in a museum. Check it out here.
Read More >>I’ve been fortunate to know many of these craftsmen over my life, but I’ve come to know one recently: Marc Aroner, the man behind the bamboo rods of Spinoza Rod Company. Here are some videos of him working in his shop.
Read More >>As I’ve written about before on this site, my dad’s bamboo rod building workshop has long been bound for the Catskill Fly Fishing Center & Museum. That day finally came, and the long room in the back of our garage is now empty.