Over Thanksgiving, I sat down with my dad and shot this short video to promote his new book, Side Casts. I wrote about the book a few months ago, but we had some fun making this video over the holidays.
Read More >>Over Thanksgiving, I sat down with my dad and shot this short video to promote his new book, Side Casts. I wrote about the book a few months ago, but we had some fun making this video over the holidays.
Read More >>I’m proud to share that my dad has published a new book. This one, called Side Casts, builds off of his prior collection of non-fiction essays called 8 By Carmichael with more stories of both renowned and sometimes forgotten fly fishing figures, places, and innovations.
Read More >>How refreshing it is, then, to discover a fishing destination close to home. This discovery is what the best of Ron Lasko’s book, A Tale of Two Rivers, provides.
Read More >>I have heard it commonly said that there are more books written about fly fishing than all other sports combined. Mind you, this is always said by fly fishermen, and often by the literary among them, and so I take it with a heavy grain of salt. And yet there is no shortage of writing about fly fishing.