Growing up in Maine, there were two related summer traditions: One, that we would go on a canoeing and fishing trip on a different river every summer and, two, that it would rain like hell on that trip.
Read More >>Growing up in Maine, there were two related summer traditions: One, that we would go on a canoeing and fishing trip on a different river every summer and, two, that it would rain like hell on that trip.
Read More >>The L.L.Bean Spring Fishing weekend is always a highlight in Maine. Last year, they had Lefty Kreh. This year they have Andy Mill and Topher Browne. Check out the full details here.
Read More >>I have heard it commonly said that there are more books written about fly fishing than all other sports combined. Mind you, this is always said by fly fishermen, and often by the literary among them, and so I take it with a heavy grain of salt. And yet there is no shortage of writing about fly fishing.