Sometimes, it’s not just about the fish. Sometimes, it’s about waking before the sun, walking to the beach, and putting down the fly rod for a minute. Here are some photos from one of those moments.
Read More >>Sometimes, it’s not just about the fish. Sometimes, it’s about waking before the sun, walking to the beach, and putting down the fly rod for a minute. Here are some photos from one of those moments.
Read More >>How best to pack a camera for a fishing trip? What should you bring? I’d like to share some of my thoughts on these and related questions, as both an avid fisherman and a photographer.
Read More >>One of the reasons I love fishing is that it takes you to beautiful places in search of beautiful things. If you’ve ever held a tuna, or a salmon, or a trout, or any number of other fish, you know that these can be beautiful creatures.
New photos from aerial photographer Wayne Davis help make this point. Flying over Cape Cod bay recently, he spotted huge schools of striped bass. So numerous are the stripers, that they remind me of the sight of a large flock of starlings against the sky. They’re awesome, in the true sense of that word.
One of the things I love about these photos is how they elevate bass. In my opinion, striped bass often do not rise to the top of the list of “beautiful” fish. Their stripes are geometric, their color palette more limited, more two-toned, than many of their hard-tailed saltwater companions. This doesn’t diminish my admiration for them, or my love of chasing them. I just don’t think of them as stunning in the same way as opalescence of a false albacore. These photos make a different case.
Salt: Coastal and Flats Fishing Photography by Andy Anderson, a new coffee table book exclusively about saltwater fishing, captures the beauty of these places. Published by Rizzoli, who specializes in high-end coffee table books like this, the book is the nicest I’ve seen on the subject.