At the end of the day, his face red from the sun, Pops was all jokes and laughs. My dad had albie fever.
Read More >>At the end of the day, his face red from the sun, Pops was all jokes and laughs. My dad had albie fever.
Read More >>This fall my good friend Jared and I chased albies of Watch Hill, RI. It was awesome. Here’s the video, and some photos, from our trip.
Read More >>A friend of mine had a 20+ albie day last week off Cape Cod. I repeat: a day of more than 20 albies caught, personally. That’s cause for fishing retirement, if I’ve ever heard it; you’ll never have such a good day again.
Read More >>This is a hard time of year for fly fishermen living in New England. At every turn, nature deceives: It’s warm, and yet the water is still cold; the flowers are budding, but the waters aren’t teeming with fish; the birds have arrived and are breaking the silence of the early morning more loudly, and more frequently, but the stripers aren’t breaking the surface. The land is bursting, but our water bodies? Still calm, still waiting the arrival of fish.