A day and a fish worthy of a salmon carved out of reclaimed redwood.
Read More >>“Remember the Maine” goes the saying, but soon it may be “Remember Maine’s salmon rivers” with the breakthrough work of the Peter Gray Parr Project (PGPP).
Read More >>We spent the day canoeing down the Lake Branch of the Grand Cascapedia in search of salmon.
Read More >>A summary of my trip Atlantic salmon fishing to the Gaspé peninsula in Canada, including the Grand Cascapedia, Matapedia, and Bonaventure.
Read More >>It was beautiful, it was relaxing, and it was exciting: we caught three fish over 30 lbs, two personal records, and a number of other salmon as well. Here’s the video from our trip.
Read More >>A few weeks ago, my wife and I arrived home from our honeymoon to find a box the size of a large flat screen TV on our front step. It was a mystery: we hadn’t registered for anything that large. As I began to open it, and It became clear to me what it was, I became more and more excited.
Read More >>Over on his blog, Atlantic Salmon Flies, Ben Bilello — talented classic salmon fly tier, guide, and writer — recently shared some great tips about the upcoming Connecticut broodstock salmon season
Read More >>Recently, friends have gone to the Bahamas, to Boca for tarpon, and to the Miramichi for Atlantic salmon. I’ve been thinking about this last one a lot, as my close friend Ben Moody went salmon fishing for the first time on the Little Southwest Miramichi. This winter, I tied him some flies, and so I was anxious to find out how he had done.
Read More >>“Toward the end of the twentieth century, we began to see a disconnect between the art of Atlantic salmon fly tying and the sport of Atlantic salmon fishing. In the right hands, a workhorse fly pattern like the Jock Scott became a large, immaculately crafted object, suitable for framing and hanging on one’s wall. Though many like it have hooked thousands of salmon over the last century and a half, this particular fly will never see water, much less the business end of a dime bright Atlantic salmon.”
Read More >>Facing a weekend with apartment to myself, I did what I suspect many fly fishermen in the Northern Hemisphere are doing: tying flies in preparation for the rapidly approaching season. As one tier said to me recently, “If I don’t start tying now, my boxes will be empty!” While that’s not entirely true — fishermen always fear a scarcity of flies, but rarely face it — the feeling is accurate: with the days warming up, it’s now a race.