For my annual trip tarpon fishing in Boca Grande, Florida this year, I brought a new reel — the Abel SDS 11/12 wt. Here are my thoughts on the reel.
Read More >>For my annual trip tarpon fishing in Boca Grande, Florida this year, I brought a new reel — the Abel SDS 11/12 wt. Here are my thoughts on the reel.
Read More >>On a trip tarpon fishing this spring, I tried out Beulah’s Opal 12wt off Boca Grande, Florida. As some of you may know, I am a big fan of Beulah’s fly rods. Why? Because in the age of fast-action fly rods, these rods have soul.
Read More >>We’ve been going to Boca Grande, Florida ever since our uncle bought a house down there. As the so-called “Tarpon Fishing Capital of the World,” this was both excellent and vexing news: I was long on places to crash, and short on excuses.
Read More >>I’m going tarpon fishing in Boca Grande in a few weeks and, living a few hundred miles away, I’ve been knocking the virtual rust off by watching YouTube videos.
Read More >>This is a good reel. From a pure functional perspective, it’s precisely what most fly fishermen will need — and, at $475, it’s three or four hundred dollars cheaper than other reels that claim to deliver the same thing.
Read More >>We’re all familiar with the excuses that follow a good skunking. And so it was on the plane ride back from Boca Grande, Florida, where we had gone in search in tarpon.
Read More >>We had been chasing tarpon — a giant fish constructed of silver dollar scales, dark eyes the size of plums, and a mouth that could swallow a basketball — in the warm, blue waters off Boca Grande. The pass at Boca is renowned tarpon water, and the coast nearly so: it’s here that Americans, who can’t be bothered (or afford) to fly south to South America or elsewhere, go to chase tarpon. All morning, we had been doing just that: driving with our guide up and down the coast in his 18′ center console boat, searching for schools of tarpon. We blazed past islands and boats and fishy looking sections, stopping here and there, with not a single fish in sight.