Ok, I know, I know — golf? The headline might raise your eyebrows. But stick with me on this one, as golf and fly fishing have a lot in common. And I’m talking about more than a lot of old white men.
Read More >>Ok, I know, I know — golf? The headline might raise your eyebrows. But stick with me on this one, as golf and fly fishing have a lot in common. And I’m talking about more than a lot of old white men.
Read More >>Have you wanted to learn more about Atlantic salmon fishing and conservation? To meet and talk with people who have been? To meet with experts who are leading efforts to protect and restore the species? And to maybe win a trip Atlantic salmon fishing? Then this event is for you!
Read More >>Last year, I made my annual trip north to the Grand Cascapedia to chase Atlantic salmon. This year, I brought a drone and captured some video that demonstrates just how beautiful this place truly is. Hope you enjoy!
Read More >>Eat less. Drink less. Spend less. Another year, another set of New Years resolutions you may — or may not — keep. Instead of a set of fun-numbing resolutions to do less, why don’t you commit to a set of resolutions to do more? And to do more fly fishing?
Read More >>It was beautiful, it was relaxing, and it was exciting: we caught three fish over 30 lbs, two personal records, and a number of other salmon as well. Here’s the video from our trip.
Read More >>I’ve written before about how compelling I find the work of the Downeast Salmon Federation (DSF) — truly inspiring work. To have a sustainable stock of wild Atlantic salmon returning to the US within my lifetime is a dream I’ve had since I was a kid — and it’s a dream I know many share.
Read More >>After my piece this fall about striped bass and Atlantic Salmon on the Gaspé in The Drake, this piece also relates to Atlantic salmon in that it’s a short profile about Hooké — a tribe of fly fishermen based in eastern Canada whose videos have taken that country, and many fly fisherman, by storm.
Read More >>A few weeks ago, my wife and I arrived home from our honeymoon to find a box the size of a large flat screen TV on our front step. It was a mystery: we hadn’t registered for anything that large. As I began to open it, and It became clear to me what it was, I became more and more excited.
Read More >>2014 was a great year for me personally, and for New England on the Fly. I made some good new fishing friends, had some great days on the water. Here’s the video that wraps it all up.