
Have questions, suggestions, or want to offer me free fishing? (A man has to dream.) Want me to review a book or a piece of tackle? Want to share a tip or have me share a question with this blog’s readers? Feel free to be in touch.

You can reach me at: b.h.carmichael [at]


6 thoughts on “Contact

  1. Ben,

    I enjoyed your Rhody post and I am glad you have bass in Boston. It has been a slow start to the season in most regards. The recent moon tides and a few warm days will hopefully bring squeteague, cinder worms and bigger bass to the Ocean State.
    If you are not already familiar; it would be my pleasure to show you the place where many feel flyrodding for stripers got it’s start. It seems you might appreciate that the precipitating event was the gas rationing during the WW that prevented a salmon fisherman from getting to his Canadian waters.



  2. Peter: Thanks for the comment, and glad you enjoyed the post on fishing in RI. Thanks, too, for the offer to show me the place “where flyrodding for stripers got its start.” I’d welcome the opportunity. Drop me a note at bhcarmichael AT

    Looking forward to talking, and hope you’re enjoying the sun,

  3. Hello Ben,
    I really enjoyed reading your piece on the rebirth of T & T fly rods. You have an obvious talent for bringing not just the key players to life ( like Tom Dorsey et al), but the contributions of a beloved American rod maker.
    I also read a friend’s Drake Magazine where you wrote a piece called “the Tools of Tom Dorsey”. I was wondering if there is any way that you could email me this article, I would be glad to make a contribution. I don’t read a lot of writing that brings to life all of the special things that makes fly fishing a wonderful passion, but your writing most definitely does. I would greatly appreciate getting a copy of your bio-piece on Tom Dorsey,

    All the best,
    Russ Kendall

  4. Hi Ben,

    Thanks for taking the time to make and share your “RIO Single Hand Spey Line 3D Review” video. I recently started fishing for steelhead and salmon and found your recommendation very helpful. Since I’ve never fished with anything except floating line, I’m not exactly sure what type of leader is typically used when fishing streamers with this type of sink-tip. I’m assuming a shorter run (e.g. 4-6 feet) of 12-20 lb of straight fluorocarbon would work for steelhead/salmon in most water conditions, but I’m not sure. Any additional tips/advice you could provide would be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks for your time Ben!

    • Mark: Sorry for the slow response — I was up in Canada chasing Atlantic salmon for a week plus. Just back to my desk… As to leaders, I’ve found this to be pretty versatile — it’s not like a super short Skagit head or something that typically needs a short leader given the large flies you’re throwing. I fished this line in shallower wader, with a long leader (10′ or so) and it turned over nicely. Typically, I fish tapered mono leaders for salmon — either factory tapered or built on my own. Hope that helps!

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